Surveillance: To Observe A Person Or Area To Gain Information.
Surveillance can be carried out in many forms using an abundance of extremely technical covert and overt electronic and non electronic devices. In our industry i.e. The Private Investigation Sector, we use it mainly to expose the truth to our clients or for protection purposes used to keeping our principles safe from risk of harm. Surveillance intertwines with so many private investigator and close protection services, if adopted properly, surveillance can be an incredibly valuable approach towards operational effectiveness and success. We, The Alert Group [TAG] Ltd have successfully conducted hundreds of private investigator surveillance operations across The United Kingdom and overseas, so when it comes to surveillance it's fare to say we know what we are talking about. Our private investigator and close protection surveillance specialists are all Ex-Serving Members of The British Armed Forces who are forged with extremely valuable knowledge and techniques surrounding reconnaissance, surveillance, counter surveillance. After leaving the forces our private investigators undergo specialist transitional surveillance training which helps to set them up to efficiently operate within civilian private investigation and close protection industries.
Static, mobile and foot surveillance are the most commonly used methods of surveillance within the Private Investigation sector to expose the truth regarding private and commercial and corporate cases. Counter surveillance, reconnaissance, overt surveillance is typically used within the Close protection sector as protective measures, but can also intertwine with the private investigation sector and vis versa. This said, we feel it's vitally important that all our operators are highly trained and efficient in both Private Investigation and Close Protection Industry surveillance based techniques, allowing them to flawlessly adapt / change roles when necessary between investigations / protection, or in certain complex cases combine roles with the intent of keeping our clients & principles safe from risk of harm and expose the truth
Below Are Some Of The Most Common Methods Of Surveillance We Use Whilst Conducting Our Private Investigation Operations:
Static Surveillance: Is used by us when there is a need to observe a specific area or building with the intent on gathering information normally based around what individuals & vehicles are associated with the location we put under static surveillance. We would typically use a vehicle of some description (usually a car or van) when conducting static surveillance in a urban setting. In rural settings, we would either typically use a car / van, or if the ground and surroundings warrant it, then we would use a hide or a OP (observation point) to conduct static surveillance/ reconnaissance using highly camouflaged clothing and equipment to flawlessly blend into tree lines and other surroundings that provides the correct level of rural foliage required to constructively use as satisfactory cover for camouflage and concealment purposes.
Foot Surveillance: We use this method of surveillance when the subject is walking from location to location, following them on foot, keeping a comfortable distance from them so we can confidently keep them in sight without the risk of losing them but at the same time not arousing suspicion by getting to close if they were to look behind them and potentially compromising us. It may seem like a simple practice however their are many hindrances that can negatively impose on foot surveillance such as crowds of people, open spaces with little to no cover, when the subject enters access controlled locations with multiple exits, not to mention if the subject arranges a pick up by the way of mobile transport, the list goes on and on in terms of possible hindrances that can intercept us whilst conducting foot surveillance. Keeping out of the subjects line of sight, whilst blending in to the surroundings and always thinking one step ahead in relation to the subjects possible movements and options available to them whilst they are walking from location to location. It is always a sensible idea for us to have a team member in a vehicle satelliting us when we are conducting foot surveillance just in case the subject does decide to call for a pick up or hops into a taxi, warranting the need to change the method of surveillance to mobile surveillance.
Mobile Surveillance: We generally use mobile surveillance to follow the subject when they have embarked into a vehicle of some description car, van, taxi, motorbike etc. We find that cars and vans and taxis and are the most frequently type of vehicles used by our subjects. We would generally use cars as our preferred type of vehicle whilst conducting mobile surveillance, as these types of vehicles double up as ideal surveillance platforms, providing cover under the use of tinted windows keeping us and our surveillance equipment concealed from the subject and prying eyes. We would always use cars that blend in to most surroundings and situations. When conducting mobile surveillance it is vital to keep a certain amount of vehicles in between us and the subject vehicle acting as cover to avoid suspicion from the subject, but not to far behind their vehicle that we risk losing them whilst operating in high traffic zones.
For More Info Regarding Our Private Surveillance Services Contact The Alert Group Today:
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